Monday, November 15, 2010

update! new art stuffs! HI MOM!

just keeping you updated on my progress here at seattle central.

we have a greeting card assignment, two of which you've seen, here's the last one.  a 'seattle themed correspondence' card ~ i hope you dig it

And as far as everything else?  happy birthday to SO many of you this week, jeez, 
i only went to Adelman's party, was nice . . . and in true adelman fashion, a little more than slightly political.  Alisha's next, where we gonna party at?

oh! and make sure you check out James Germain's new interview at seattle's Culture Mob blog!   


  1. I like the card at the bottom left, very nice designs all around.

  2. it was from a photo brah, thanks for checking,
    i just used the outline . . . so yah . . . cheated . . . the dean liked the cat picture
    : )
    karaoke tonight?

  3. agree with Tommy... looks postcard status. Is that Gasworks?

    Good work my friend

  4. Dig the Gasworks one man. Good stuff.

  5. thaaaanks ~ i didn't end up using gasworks . . . go fig . . . the dean ended up liking my cat-umbrella one more
